Addendum for Lotus Domino and Notes
To replicate a Lotus Notes personal address book to the Domino
1 Start Lotus Notes.
2 Go to your workspace, and select your local address book.
3 From the File menu, choose Replication > New Replica.
4 Select the correct server.
For the file name of your local address book replica that resides on
the server, you must use the following convention:
Loginname_pab.nsf (for example: fflintstone_pab.nsf)
You must follow this convention for Real Time to use your address
5 From the File menu, choose Mobile > Edit Current Location.
A properties sheet appears.
6 In the Replication section, enable replication.
Folder List
When using Real Time with Lotus Notes/Domino, the folder list is not
available in a tree view as displayed when using with Microsoft