CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptive Server
Adaptive Server displays a list of commands that contain the word or word
fragment “select.”
Sybase XP Server
XP Server is automatically installed by the build process. The default name of
the XP Server is hostname_XP.
Starting Sybase services automatically
By copying some files to the system’s /Library/StartupItems directory, you can
ensure that Sybase services automatically start when your system starts opr
restarts. In /Applications/Sybase/System/Install/StartupItems, more the
following directories to /Library/StartupItems to enable the associated services
to automatically start when the system is restarted:
• SybaseAdaptiveServerEnterprise – contains files necessary to
automatically start Adaptive Server. You may need to edit the shell script
in this directory to refer to the correct server name that is to be started.
• SybaseLicenseManager – contains scripts necessary to automatically start
the license manager daemon.
• SybaseAgent – contains scripts necessary to automatically start the Sybase
SNMP subagent, which is designed to work with the NetSNMP agent.
These directories contain an executable shell script of the same name as the
parent directory, and a property list file. To enable automatic startup of any of
these services, copy its directory to /Library/StartupItems. Each subdirectory
of the StartupItems directory is examined during the system’s startup sequence,
and the services that can be started at that time are launched.
Note Your system may not have the /Library/StartupItems directory. If not,
then you must create it. This and the copy operation should be done in an
account that has Admin privileges, by way of the sudo command.