What is MP3?
MP3 is an acronym for MPEG Layer 3, a type of audio data
compression that can reduce digital sound files by a variable
12:1 ratio with virtually no loss in quantity. It allows to store
more music into a little memory. Little memory means compact
size, so portable MP3 player comes out.
MP3 files can be very small and yet retain a high sound quality.
MP3 files usually have the extension .mp3, and can be
downloaded from the Internet, or can be legally made for
personal use from the audio CDs that you purchased.
Please check if the MP3 file(s) is legal before you start to
It is illegal to encode MP3 files for trade or sale unless you
have the expressed and explicit permission of the copyright
MP3 Websites
Through websites, you can download MP3 files either with or
without charge and get information about the latest techniques
and software related with MP3.
Examples of websites with MP3 content are :
(For Reference use ONLY)
Search with ‘mp3’ topic in search engine for more MP3 related
websites and news.
Appendix A