Cold Drink Center (327/328) Operator’s Guide
August, 2003 Page 50 3280020
Most of the keys on the control panel have a special purpose to help you create
and edit your messages:
Inserts an R at the flashing
Inserts a space at the flashing
Inserts an S at the flashing
Deletes the current character
and closes up the space.
Inserts a T at the flashing
Deletes the current character
and leaves the space.
Repeats the letter to the left of
the flashing character.
Enters the special "end of
message" character, which
denotes the end of the mes-
"Pages" through the message, ten characters (one screen) at a time.
Steps forward and backward through the message, one charac-
ter at a time.
Steps forward and backward through the character list, one
character at a time.
Instead of stepping through the whole character set to enter a letter
that is not on your keypad, enter one close to the one you want, then
step to it. Example: If you want to enter an L, first press ,
then press six times. Your L should now be displayed.
The End Of Message Character
his is the most important character in your message, because it
ells the machine when the message is ended. If you don't use this
haracter, your message will be followed by a bunch of zeros. This
haracter can be selected either from the character set or by a direct
ey entry (see "Edit Custom Message" on page 49).