Link Alarm:_ [1-4] to
Link Alarm:_ [1-4] to
Del AlarmLink:_[1-4]
[ENT] to confirm
6.1.5. Alarm to Position/Tour Link
EPTZ1000 have 4 alarm inputs that can be set to link to a position or a tour
when an alarm is triggered.
Set an alarm link:
Press F1 to set an alarm link. Enter the alarm number, and then press
Enter. Switch the Joystick up/down to select a position or a tour, enter a
position or tour number, and then press Enter to confirm the setting.
Delete an alarm link:
Press Clr + F1 to delete a link of alarm to position/tour.
6.2. To operate an DVR (EDSR900/1600)
In order to operate a DVR, to get controlled over the DVR is necessary.
There are 2 ways to get controlled over a DVR, which are:
1. Press the DVR key, and then the DVR line on the display will start to
flash. Press Enter after the DVR name is keyed in, and you can start to
operate the DVR.
2. Enter the DVR name, and then press DVR to get controlled over a