28 | Performance Series DVR User Guide
HRG8 and HRG16 Front Panel
Figure 1-3 HRG8 and HRG16 Front Panel
Position Button/Indicator Function
1 USB Port
Connection for a USB mouse or USB flash memory device.
2 Status Indicators
POWER Turns green when the HRG DVR is on.
READY Turns green when the device is running normally.
STATUS Illuminates when the compound key switches to numeric/letter input mode.
ALARM Turns red when there is a sensor alarm occurring.
HDD Flickers red when the HDD is reading or writing.
Tx/Rx Flickers green when the network connection is functioning normally.
3 IR Receiver Sensor for IR Remote Controller.
4 Compound Buttons
1/MENU Enter number “1”; Access the main menu.
2/ABC/F1 Enter number “2” or letters “A”, “B”, “C”; The F1 button when used in a list field will
select all items on the list. In PTZ Control mode, it will turn on/off PTZ light.
3/DEF/F2/SPOT Enter number “3” or letters “D”, “E”, “F”; The F2 button is used to cycle through tab
pages. It will also bring up the Channel & OSD Position settings. SPOT - reserved at
this time.
4/GHI/ESC Enter number “4” or letters “G”, “H”, “I”; Exit and back to the previous menu.
5/JKL/EDIT Enter number “5” or letters “J”, “K”, “L”; Delete characters before cursor; Select the
check box and ON/OFF switch; Start/stop record clipping in playback.
6/MNO/PLAY Enter number “6” or letters “M”, “N”, “O”; Playback, for direct access to playback
7/PQRS/REC Enter number “7” or letters “P”, “Q”, “R”, “S”; Manual record, for direct access to
manual record interface; manually enable/disable record.
8/TUV/PTZ Enter number “8” or letters “T”, “U”, “V”; Access to PTZ control interface.
9/WXYZ/PREV Enter number “9” or letters “W”, “X”, “Y”, “Z”; Multi-camera display in live view.