
Figure 2.3 The main module and its terminals
The terminal definitions are shown in the following table.
Table 2.1 The Definition of the Main Module Terminals
No Terminal name Function No Terminal name Function
1 Alarm In 0 General alarm input 0 12 COMM_GND GND of RS485 and RS232
2 GND Alarm input GND 13 RS232_RXD RXD of RS232
3 FireIn Fire alarm input 14 RS232_TXD TXD of RS232
4 AUXAlarmOutNo
Normally open pin of auxiliary
alarm output
15 Reserved
5 AUXAlarmOutCom
Common pin of auxiliary
alarm output
16 Reserved
6 AUXAlarmOutNC
Normally close pin of auxiliary
alarm output
17 Reserved
7 MainAlarmOutNo
Normally open pin of main
alarm output
18 Power Power input
8 MainAlarmOutCOM
Common pin of main alarm
19 GND Power GND
9 MainAlarmOutNC
Normally close pin of main
alarm output
20 BATT+ Battery positive pin
10 RS485_A Signal A of RS 485 bus 21 BATT- Battery negative pin
11 RS485_B Signal B of RS 485 bus
Main Module LED Definition
There are 4 LEDs on the main module. The positions and indexes are defined in Fig.
2.4 and table 2.2.