10. PTZ Control
The system support different models of speed dome (Current available models: EverFocus EPTZ
series, ED2200. Pelco D protocol dome, C1487M. Kalatel Cyber Dome. Philips Auto Dome.
Samsung SCC-641P, SPD-2500. Subject to further notice if there is update support protocol) that
allows users to operate the basic function of PTZ camera through the front panel or remote AP.
To start PTZ operation, press “PTZ” button on the front panel. The PTZ operation mode will
show on the right corner of the display. The function button switch to PTZ operation mode.
Z+ : Zoom In Z- : Zoom Out
F+ : Focus Far F- : Focus Near
I+ : Open IRIS I- : Close IRIS
GO Pr : Goto Preset position. The dialog will show on the focus camera. Use to
select the preset position 1~10.
Seq Pr : Sequence tour on preset position 1~10. The dialog will show on the focus camera.
Use to select the dwelling time. Use to move to “OK” icon and press (Enter) to start.
Set Pr : Set Preset position. Pan/tilt/zoom the camera to desire position and then press this button, the
dialog will show on the focus camera. Use to select desired position and press
(Enter) to confirm the setting position. Press “Exit” to leave the dialog.
Auto Pan : Press to start Auto Pan (left to right). The dialog will show for further setting of
the pan speed as you need. Move ( ) to “OK” icon to start auto pan.
Set Pan : Set Auto Pan Scope
: Press to Pan/Tilt the camera (Pan=left/right, Tilt=up/down)
Exit : Press to leave setting dialog without saving.