The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 26 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
First click on the head module’s userobject input 1 (the
pink square below the DSP outputs). Then select the Add
Repeating Field command from the Edit menu. A second
userobject input should appear.
Connect the modfilter’s
output to the
head module’s
input 1 and the LFO’s
output to the head module’s
input 2. The screen should look similar
to the one on the right.
OK, now we’re ready to send the program to the Harmonizer to be run. Make
sure the Harmonizer is in some area other than the Patch Editor area and then
select the Send command from the Midi menu.
→ If you aren’t connected to the Harmonizer, read “Communications” on page 16.
The Harmonizer should flash “coding file from remote” and
then “
loading program." You should then find yourself in the
PARAMETER area with a screen that looks like the one to the
right. After turning the
[lfo] /freq to something other than
0.0Hz, mess with the [modfilte] /freq and freq mod parameters.
And that’s basically it. You can create simple programs by concentrating on “cornerstone one” and then
satisfying the other two “cornerstones,” by liberally connecting userobject outputs to the head module. Now
that you’ve been introduced to the basics and have some hands-on experience, let’s move on to more
advanced topics in program construction.