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Thank you for purchasing the ETA Systems Electrical Control Module Raceway system. This information sheet is an overview of the
ETA-ECM20 and ETA-ECM20M control modules. Note: For your safety all electrical wiring must be done by a qualified electrician.
The ETA Systems ETA-ECM20 and ETA-ECM20M are an Electrical Control Module (ECM) 20A Power Conditioner and AC Spike
Suppressor that are designed to be used as a standalone unit or in conjunction with an ETA-ECS6RM Controller up to 1000 ft away.
The ETA-ECM20 and ETA-ECM20M are designed to be used with the ETA-RACEWY6 which can house up to 6 modules. Single
housing models (ETA-20SH and ETA-15SH) are also available. AC Spikes, or Transients, are commonly caused by utility power plant
grid switchovers. The amount of energy that can be injected into the power system can be immense with voltages reaching 6kV
or amperage peaks of 3000A. These spikes are very fast and usually only last for a very short period of time. To protect against this
potential problem, incoming AC Mains have special suppression circuitry to eliminate the unwanted energy. This circuitry is very fast
and can suppress unwanted energy within a nanosecond, while sustaining the suppression for up to 2 milliseconds, thus ensuring
virtually trouble free protection. High and low AC Main line voltages are another major contributor to equipment failures. The ECM
modules support EVS circuitry which enables the module to be shut off during extreme Low and High AC Line conditions.
The ETA-ECM20M features noise filtering for unwanted Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
filters to reduce noise from such items as electric motors and switching power supplies. The benefit of these filters can be seen on
video products or audibly by reducing static pops and external signal interference.
High line can also be known as surges. Surges usually are a slower steady state rise in voltages ranging from 128VAC and up. They can
be caused from fluctuations from the utility company's power lines or industrial equipment turning ON and OFF, and are on the same
power leg of the building's incoming AC.
Low line is also known as brownouts. This happens when the AC Mains drops below 107VAC. Most of the time it is caused by the
utility company not being able to supply enough power during heavy utility consumption time periods, such as heat waves. Another
factor can be from voltage drops in AC lines due to long transmissions. The ETA-ECS6RM will inform you if any of these conditions
occur. Extreme variances in Unstable AC Mains voltage are one of the main reasons for equipment failure.
The ETA-ECM20 does not support the same current monitoring or EMI/RFI Filter features as the ETA-ECM20M, ETA-20SH and the
ETA-15SH models. However, it does support AC spike and surge suppression, AC mains voltage monitoring, EVS circuitry, and remote
• Manual/AutoON/OFFswitch
• IncomingACpresentLED
• ActiveLED
• ACFaultLED(ETA-ECM20MOnly)
• ClampingSpike&SurgeSuppressionEVSCircuitry
• ACMainsVoltage&Currentmonitoring(VoltageonlyforETA-ECM20)
• EMI&RFIFiltering(ETA-ECM20MOnly)
• Restaurants
• HousesofWorship
• Schools
• HomeTheaters
• OfficeBuildings
• SportsBars
• IndustrialFacilities
Electrical Control Module 20A Power Conditioner