Control Board LED Lights - The control board LED lights are located above their respec-
tive terminals that they represent. (With exception of ALIM, power supply light, which is located
below the power terminals in the upper left corner.) The LED lights are a quick way of verifying
necessary connections are made. Below is a chart of their interpretations.
LED Lights & Operational Displays
ALIM Powers supply by transformer Power supply by battery or no power
FCC 1 Motor 1 closing limit switch - not tripped Motor 1 closing limit switch - tripped
FCA 1 Motor 1 opening limit switch - not tripped Motor 1 opening limit switch - tripped
FCC 2 Motor 2 closing limit switch - not tripped Motor 2 closing limit switch - tripped
FCA2 Motor 2 opening limit switch - not tripped Motor 2 opening limit switch - tripped
STOP Stop command - not activated Stop command - activated
FSW CL Closing safety device - not tripped Closing safety device - tripped
FSW OP Opening safety device - not tripped Opening safety device - tripped
During idle for single door openers, all should be on except FCC 2 and FCA 2.
During idle for dual door openers, all LED lights should be on.
If not using safety devices , you must jump STOP, FSW CL and FSW OP to COM in order
for the door opener to function.
Standard Operation Display - This is when the door opener is not in parameter setting
mode or programming mode. LED displays DS1 and DS2 will show the following:
Door Status
Door At Rest in Closed Position
Door Opening or Door Open when Auto Close is OFF
Door open in pause status
(Only with automatic re-close enabled - Parameter c)
Door Closing