
Each GTI must be set-up for the type of telephone line to be connected to it by selecting the correct jumper positions and DIP
switch settings. This line type is shown in the TYPE column. The possible line type entries are as follows:
EndtoE - 2-wire audio, End-to-End
DID - 2-wire audio, direct inward dial
E&M2W - 2-wire audio, E&M signaling
E&M4W - 4-wire audio, E&M signaling
Use the arrow keys to select (highlight) HELP or FILE at the bottom of the screen, or the telephone line # corresponding to
the GTI you wish to adjust. Selecting HELP and pressing the Enter key will open an INFORMATION ON BALANCING
AND LEVEL SET window in front of (and partially obscuring) the Hybrid Balance Monitor screen, and give information
about using the Hybrid Balance Monitor screen. When done, press any key and the window will disappear.
Selecting FILE and pressing the Return Key will open the WRITE BALANCE & LEVEL DATA TO A FILE window in front
of (and partially obscuring) the Hybrid Balance Monitor screen, and give H###DATA.HBD (where ### is the system
number) as a suggested file name under which to save the current settings. You can choose the suggested file name or enter
your own file name. After entering the file name, choose 'Y' to save the data to the file. When done, press any key and the
window will disappear.
Menu of Adjustments
Selecting a telephone line # and pressing the Enter key will open the HYBRID BALANCE AND LEVEL SETTINGS
window in front of (and partially obscuring) the Hybrid Balance Monitor screen, and display a menu of actions from which to
choose. Some of the actions are adjustments, some are not. Only the highlighted actions are allowed for the specific line type
of the telephone line # selected. Table 5 summarizes which actions are allowed for the line types and requirements.
Table 5 - Allowed Adjustment Operations
(B) Balance X X X X
(T) Audio To Ph. X X X
(F) Audio Frm Ph. X X X
(P) E&M4W To Ph. X X X
(G) E&M4W Frm Ph. X X X
(U) E&M4W Microwv X X X
(2) Master II Base X X X
(L) Level Set All X X X
(H) Hangup X X
(S) Silence Setup X X
(M) MW Setup X X
Definitions of the column headings of Table 5 are as follows:
Line types:
DID - direct inward dial
E-E/E&M2W - 2-wire End to End or E&M
E&M4W - 4-wire E&M
Line requirements:
SILENCE# - “silence number” must be entered (except for DID lines)
MILLIWATT# - “milliwatt number” must be entered
LINE FREE - line status must be FREE or READY
Definitions of actions in the left column of Table 5 are as follows:
(B) Balance - Hybrid Balance (look for silence, do auto hybrid balance)