RX − 8564 LC
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13.1.6. Alarm registers ( Reg − 09 [h] to 0C [h] )
Address [h]
Function bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
09 Minute Alarm AE 40 20 10 8 4 2 1
0A Hour Alarm AE
20 10 8 4 2 1
0B Day Alarm AE
20 10 8 4 2 1
0C Weekday Alarm AE
× × × ×
4 2 1
• The AIE bit and AF bit can both be set or used when using alarm interrupt function to set interrupt events for dates,
days, hours, minutes, etc.
• When the current time matches the settings in the above alarm registers, the AF bit's value is "1" and the /INT
pin's status is low to indicate that an alarm interrupt event has occurred.
For details, see "9.3. Alarm Interrupt Function".
13.1.7. Timer setting register ( Reg − 0E [h] )
Address [h]
Function bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
0E Timer control TE
× × × × ×
• This register is used to control the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function.
• To use the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function, the TI/TP bits (Reg − 01 [h]), timer register (Reg − 0F [h]), and the
TF and TIE bits are all set or used.
1) TE bit ( Timer Enable )
This bit is used to control operation of the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function.
When "1" is written to this bit, the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function starts operating.
When "0" is written to this bit, the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function stops operating.
∗ For details, see "9.2. Fixed-cycle Timer Interrupt Function ".
2) TD1,TD0 bits ( Timer countDown interval select 1, 0 )
These bits specify the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function's countdown period (source clock).
Four different periods can be selected via combinations of these two bit values.
∗ For details, see "9.2. Fixed-cycle Timer Interrupt Function ".
13.1.8. Down counter for fixed-cycle timer ( Reg − 0F [h] )
Address [h]
Function bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
0F Timer 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
• This register is used to set the default (preset) value for the counter. Any count value from 1 (01 h) to
255 (FFh) can be set
• To use the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function, the TE, TI/TP, TF, TIE, TD1, and TD0 bits are set and used.
• When this down counter's count value changes from 01h to 00h, when TF bit = "1", or when the /INT pin is at low
level ("L"), it indicates that a fixed-cycle timer interrupt event has occurred.
• The current countdown status can be checked by reading this register.
∗ However, since the read data is not held (the data may be changing), to obtain accurate data the countdown
status should be read twice and then compared.
∗ For details, see "9.2. Fixed-cycle Timer Interrupt Function ".