22 Copying
4. Press the C or the l/r Select button repeatedly until the copy
layout you want appears on the LCD panel.
5. Press the OK button to use the layout you have selected.
Layout Feature Page to see
1. Standard Standard copy
2. BorderFree Copy without margins page 23
3. Small Margins Copy with small margins page 24
4. Repeat-Auto Copy an image in actual size as
many as it fits to the paper you
have selected.
page 26
5. Repeat-4
6. Repeat-9
7. Repeat-16
Copy an image multiple times on
one sheet
page 26
8. Poster-4
9. Poster-9
10. Poster-16
Divide an original image to 4, 9,
or 16 enlarged copies fit to the
paper size you have selected.
You can get a poster size image
by gluing all of the copies
page 27
11. 2-up
12. 4-up
Copy several documents on one
page 28
13. Mirror Copy a reversed image on an
iron-on cool transfer paper
page 30
Copy Mode