32 Printing From Start to Finish
Edge Smoothing: Prints smoother edges on low-resolution images, such as
bars in a graph.
■ Color Controls: Lets you adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and
cyan, magenta, and yellow levels in your printout.
■ Advanced B&W Photo: Lets you access Color Toning, Toning, and other
image adjustments when printing black and white images. Choose a preset
Color Toning with the menu or create a custom setting by clicking Settings.
See “Advanced Black and White Photo Printing” on page 73 for more details.
Note: The availability of the Advanced B&W Photo setting depends on the
ink cartridge installed (Photo Black or Matte Black), the Paper Type setting,
and the print quality setting.
ICM: Uses standard color profiles for your printer to help match colors in
your image, for use with certain ICM-enabled applications. If you’re using
custom or Epson Premium ICC profiles in a program such as Photoshop,
select ICM and then check the Off (No Color Adjustment) box.
Caution: Incorrectly applying this function or using it in an incomplete color
management workflow may result in excessively light or dark prints.
Note: To print with custom or Premium ICC color profiles using Photoshop,
see “Managing Color With Profiles” on page 53.
4. Once you’ve finished selecting advanced settings, you can:
■ Click OK to save your settings, return to the Print dialog box, and print.
■ Click the Basic button to return to the Basic settings.
■ Click the Page Layout tab and continue with step 5 to select layout options.