
32 Printing From Start to Finish
Edge Smoothing: Prints smoother edges on low-resolution images, such as
bars in a graph.
Color Controls: Lets you adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and
cyan, magenta, and yellow levels in your printout.
Advanced B&W Photo: Lets you access Color Toning, Toning, and other
image adjustments when printing black and white images. Choose a preset
Color Toning with the menu or create a custom setting by clicking Settings.
See “Advanced Black and White Photo Printing” on page 73 for more details.
Note: The availability of the Advanced B&W Photo setting depends on the
ink cartridge installed (Photo Black or Matte Black), the Paper Type setting,
and the print quality setting.
ICM: Uses standard color profiles for your printer to help match colors in
your image, for use with certain ICM-enabled applications. If you’re using
custom or Epson Premium ICC profiles in a program such as Photoshop,
select ICM and then check the Off (No Color Adjustment) box.
Caution: Incorrectly applying this function or using it in an incomplete color
management workflow may result in excessively light or dark prints.
Note: To print with custom or Premium ICC color profiles using Photoshop,
see “Managing Color With Profiles” on page 53.
4. Once you’ve finished selecting advanced settings, you can:
Click OK to save your settings, return to the Print dialog box, and print.
Click the Basic button to return to the Basic settings.
Click the Page Layout tab and continue with step 5 to select layout options.