
The MFJ-1278B has a parallel printer port in which to attach a parallel printer. The parallel
printer port is located on the left-hand side of the MFJ-1278B. The printer port can be used
to make hard copies of either text or graphics.
Printer Port Connection
The printer port is configured as a Centronics compatible parallel port. A cable with male
DB-25 on one end and a 36 pin Centronics male connector for the printer end should be used.
You may use a standard IBM parallel printer cable instead of trying to wire your own. A
Printer cable for connection from the MFJ-1278B printer port to a Centronics compatible
printer is available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc. Model No. is MFJ-5412.
If you are using a terminal program that supports graphic printing from the computer to the
printer, then you should connect the printer to the computer printer port and not to the MFJ-
1278B printer port.
The MFJ-1278B printer port is available for printing graphics. This feature can be used
whether your terminal program supports graphics printing to the computer screen or not. It
can be used to print graphics such as Packet, SSTV or FAX pictures. If you want to print
graphics, then you should connect the printer to the MFJ-1278B printer port. In this case the
printer must be either EPSON or IBM graphic compatible in order to insure successful
graphic receiving to the printer.
The MFJ-1278B printer port configuration is shown in Table 2-5.
MFJ-1278B DB-25
Printer Port Pin #
1 Strobe
2 Data Bit 1
3 Data Bit 2
4 Date Bit 3
5 Data Bit 4
6 Data Bit 5
7 Data Bit 6
8 Data Bit 7
9 Data Bit 8
10 Acknowledge
11 Busy
12 thru 17 No connection
18 thru 25 Ground
Table 2
5 Parallel Printer Port Pin Functions