
Abbreviation for Epson Standard Code for Printers. This system of
printer commands lets you perform software control of your printer
from your computer. It is standard for all Epson printers and
supported by most application software for personal computers.
fixed pitch
Refers to the character spacing of a font in which the width is the
same for all characters, as distinguished from proportional spacing.
For fixed-pitch fonts, narrow characters such as lowercase i take up
as much space as wider characters such as uppercase W.
In the HP LaserJet series II emulation mode, font means the
complete character set of a given design and size. A font is specified
by the following parameters: orientation, symbol set, spacing, pitch,
point size, typeface, style, and weight. In the ESC/P emulation
modes, font means a style of type designated by a family name.
font card
An optional IC card that contains additional fonts.
form feed
A control code and a panel button that advances the paper to the
top of the next page.
graphics driver
A part of an application program that allows a computer to produce
graphic images on a particular type of printer.
hexadecimal (hex)
See number systems.
hex dump mode
A printing mode that can be used to print out the exact codes
reaching the printer. This mode can be used by experienced users as
a troubleshooting tool.