
High-speed draft mode is available only for 10 cpi printing. Also,
underlining and double-width are the only print enhancements that
work in high-speed draft mode. If you use a feature such as emphasized
double-strike in high-speed draft mode, the printer temporarily
sloivs to normal draft speed until the feature is turned off. This allows
you to use any print enhancement with out canceling high-speed draft
Character qualify
When DIP switch l-3 is on, the printer prints in near letter
quality (NLQ)
mode. When this DIP switch is off, it prints in
draft mode.
This is NLQ printing.
This is normal draft printing.
Character table
When DIP switch l-l is off and DIP switches l-4 through 1-8
are set on and off in various combinations, you can select the
character tables available in the Epson ESC/P mode. When
DIP switch l-l is on and DIP switches l-6 or l-8 are on or off,
you can select character table settings in IBM emulation mode.
See Appendix B for complete character tables.
Shape of zero
When DIP switch 2-l is on, the printer prints slashed zeros (0).
When the DIP switch is off, the printer prints open zeros (0).
This feature is useful for clearly distinguishing between an
uppercase O and zero when printing documents such as
program lists.
Using the Printer