2. Use the buttons on the left side of the screen to select a pre-designed template or add a background
image, picture, text, or graphic elements. For more information, select the Help menu.
3. When you are finished creating your design, click Save and save your design file.
Parent topic: Printing on a CD/DVD with Windows
Printing Your CD/DVD Design - Windows
After you create your design, you can print it on paper to test it, then print it on the CD or DVD that
contains your data, photos, video, or music. Make sure the disc is loaded for printing before you start.
1. Open your file in EPSON Print CD and click Print.
You see this screen:
2. Make sure your product is selected as the Printer setting.
3. To see how your design will look without printing on the disc, click Test Print and follow the
instructions on the screen.
4. When you are ready to print on the disc, click the Print button on the screen.
5. Click Print.