print settings. Check the other solutions in this section or try uninstalling and reinstalling your
printer software.
• If the page prints but the nozzle check pattern has gaps, clean or align the print head.
• If the page does not print, the printer may have a problem. Check the other solutions in this
manual. If they do not work, contact Epson.
Parent topic: Solving Problems
Related concepts
When to Uninstall Your Product Software
Print Head Cleaning
Print Head Alignment
Related references
Where to Get Help
Solving Setup Problems
Check these sections if you have problems while setting up your product.
Noise After Ink Installation
Software Installation Problems
Parent topic: Solving Problems
Noise After Ink Installation
If you hear noises from your product after installing ink, check these explanations:
• The first time you install ink cartridges, the product must prime its print head. Wait until priming
finishes before you turn off the product, or it may prime improperly and use excess ink the next time
you turn it on. Your product is finished priming the print head when the power light stops flashing.
• If the product's print head stops moving or making noise, and the charging process has not finished
after approximately 5 minutes, turn off your product. Turn it back on and check to see if charging is still
in progress. If it is still in progress, contact Epson for help.
Parent topic: Solving Setup Problems
Related topics
Replacing Ink Cartridges