
TI Model 880 Printer Emulation 4-17
Margin Control Commands
After the margins have been set, changing the line spacing does not
affect the top and bottom margins. However, changing the character
pitch shifts the left margin to the nearest column of the new pitch
value. The right margin shifts in proportion to the change in pitch.
Set Top Margin at Line
Escape sequence: ESC [ N r
Hexadecimal: 1B 5B N 72
This command sets the top margin to the line specified by N, where
N can be any value in the range of 1 through the currently selected
form length value. For example, if the currently selected form length
value is 66 lines, N can be any value in the range of 1 through 66
(hexadecimal 31 through 36 36). If N equals 0, the top margin equals
the default value (line 1).
Set Bottom Margin at Line
Escape sequence: ESC [ ; N r
Hexadecimal: 1B 5B 3B N 72
This command sets the bottom margin to the line specified by N,
where N can be any value in the range of 1 through the currently
selected form length value. For example, if the currently selected
form length value is 66 lines, N can be any value in the range of 1
through 66 (hexadecimal 31 through 36 36). If N equals 0, the
bottom margin equals the current form length value.
Set Top and Bottom Margins at Lines
Escape sequence: ESC [ N1 ; N2 r
Hexadecimal: 1B 5B N1 3B N2 72
This command sets the top and bottom margins to the lines specified
by N1 and N2, respectively, where N1 can be any value in the range
of 1 through the current bottom margin value and N2 can be any
value in the range of 1 through the current form length value. If N1
equals 0, the top margin equals the default value; if N2 equals 0, the
bottom margin equals the default value.