Partner Authentication Agent Configuration
Before You Begin
This section provides instructions for integrating the partners’ product with RSA SecurID Authentication.
This document is not intended to suggest optimum installations or configurations.
It is assumed that the reader has both working knowledge of all products involved, and the ability to
perform the tasks outlined in this section. Administrators should have access to the product
documentation for all products in order to install the required components.
All vendor products/components must be installed and working prior to the integration. Perform the
necessary tests to confirm that this is true before proceeding.
Documenting the Solution
Administrative or Installation Software required to configure product
• Weblogic 8.1
• Oracle Version
Basic steps required to enable RSA SecurID Authentication.
Bank-Flex has the capability of authenticating the user depending on the user type (Actor Type). For the
purpose of this document, we have defined two types of users, ‘IBUser’ and ‘IBSpecialUser’. The figure
below shows users and their actor types assumed for this document.
jlibman IBUser
jwright IBUser
User1 IBSpecialUser
User2 IBSpecialUser
User3 IBSpecialUser
Bank-Flex Authentication Process
Bank-Flex can be configured to invoke a specific Authentication Implementation for a user depending
upon Actor Type. The settings in Bank-Flex Platform security properties file named
“IFrameSecurity.properties” specifies which authentication implementation needs to be invoked for which
type of user (Actor Type).
Example of Bank-Flex Authentication Process
In Bank-Flex Internet banking application, users with actor type IBSpecialUser are being authenticated
against RSA Authentication Manager, and users with IBUser actor type are being authenticated against
Bank-Flex built in database authentication. If the user has any other actor type, then the authentication is
against the default implementation, which is currently set to Bank-Flex built-in database authentication.
The information in IFrameSecurity.properties would be on the following lines:
IBUser :
inbuilt Database Authentication
IBSpecialUser : RSA Authentication
Any Other User :
inbuilt Database Authentication