
Using the X-ONE window and icon
Double-click the X-ONE shortcut icon on the desktop window while the USB is
connected to run the X-ONE program.
Main window
Play list sync icon
ID3 tag edit icon
Mail program icon
Player program icon
Folder sync icon
Information icon
PC file list
Player folder list
Player file list
Refresh icon
Download icon
Upload icon
Erase icon
Format icon
Information related with
product memory space
Folder Sync: Downloads all files on one folder in PC to the player.
Play List Sync: Downloads the list saved in the play list file to the player.
ID3 Tag Edit: Adds or modifies the ID3 tags in the MP3 file.
Mail program: Runs the program that is provided by the mail service for the
recorded file and media file.
Player Program: Runs the program that plays back the recorded file and the
media file.
Information: Displays information on the X-ONE Manager.
Refresh: Refreshes the list of entire files or the connection status.
Download: Downloads files in PC to the player.
Upload: Uploads the files in the player to PC.
Erase: Deletes the files in the player.
Format: Initializes the product
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