Rear Panel EN900 / EN1100
F. High-Speed Cooling Fan. When the temperature inside the inverter
exceeds a preset limit, the Cooling Fan automatically turns on to cool
the inverter. When the temperature reduces, the fan turns off.
G. Negative Power Input Terminal.
H. Positive Power Input Terminal.
I. Remote Control Receptacle.
J. Ground Terminal.
Determining the DC Power Requirements
Powering multiple appliances from the high-power EN900 / EN1100
inverter requires a 12 volt bank of batteries (several batteries). To
calculate the approximate power in amps a 12 volt battery bank has to
supply you need to know the current, or amps required for powering the
continuous AC load.
A shortcut method is to divide the continuous AC load wattage by 10. For
example, the continuous AC load is 900 watts. The current (amps) is:
900/10 or 90 amps at 12 VDC. Add to the load any DC appliances that
may be powered by the battery bank.