Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Diagnostic Display
The diagnostic display on the front of the drive shows drive, base drive and FM-2 Module status and fault codes. When a fault
condition occurs, the drive will display the fault code, overriding the status code.
The decimal point is “On” when the drive is enabled and the stop input is not active. This indicates that the drive is ready to
run and any motion command will cause motion. Motion commands will not cause motion unless you are Ready (R) and the
decimal point is “On”.
Display Indication Status Description
Brake Engaged (Output “Off”)
Motor brake is mechanically engaged. This character will only appear if
the Brake output function is assigned to an output line.
Disabled Power Stage is disabled.
The Epsilon or FM-2/MDS drive system is functioning normally and is
ready to execute a motion command.
Indexing Index in progress. Other motion commands do not function.
Jogging Jog function in progress. Other motion commands do not function.
Homing Home cycle in progress. Other motion commands do not function.
Torque Mode Analog Torque Mode Operation
Velocity Mode Analog Velocity Mode Operation
Pulse Mode Pulse Mode Operation
Stop or Travel Limit Decel Stop or Travel Limit Decel in progress.
RMS Foldback Motor torque is limited to 80 percent.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module
Reference Manual