Instruction Manual
June 2007
NGA 2000 CLD
2 - 3InstallationEmerson Process Management GmbH & Co.OHG
b. Connections
Connect inlet and outlet lines for sample, ozonator air,
and exhaust to appropriately labeled fittings on the rear
panel (see Figure 2-2) , each of which is a 1/4-inch fer-
rule-type compression fitting.
Stainless steel or Teflon tubing is recommended for the
sample line. Exhaust tubing should be 1/4 inch (6.3 mm)
or larger, and made of stainless steel or Teflon.
Zero/span gases should be introduced at the SAMPLE
IN fitting at normal sample inlet flow rate/pressure.
c. Specifications
Each gas should be supplied from a cylinder equipped
with a clean, non-corrosive, two-stage regulator. A shut-
off valve is recommended.
Zero Gas
Nitrogen (N
) is recommended for use as zero gas.
Alternatively synthetic air or NO
free ambient air can be
Calibration Gas
A mixture of NO in a background of nitrogen is recom-
mended as span gas. For maximum accurancy, the con-
centration of NO in the span gas should be about 80 %
to 100 % of full scale range.
Figure 2-2: CLD Rear Panel Connections
At no time should ozonator gas pressure exceed
2,070 hPa-gauge (30 psig). Damage to internal com-
ponents may occur if this pressure level is ex-
Ozonator Source Gas
For analyzers with ranges less than 0 to 2,500 ppm NO
free ambient air should be used for generation of the
ozone required for the chemiluminescence reaction. For
ranges higher than 0 to 2,500 ppm, NO
free oxygen is
required. See Table 2-1 for correct pressure settings.
When using ambient air an external air conditioning unit
(LAM) can optionally be used (contact your local service
or sales office).
Sample Gas Pressure
See Table 2-1 for correct pressure settings.
Bypass Sample Gas Flow
Bypass sample gas flow rate should be between 700
and 2,000 cc/min. with backpressure regulator pressure
(see Capillary Pressure in „Current Measurement Pa-
rameters“ menu, which can be viewed by selecting the
PARMS softkey in "Main Menu") adjusted to 344 hPa (5
Exhaust Ozonator Air
Exhaust Fan Sample IN Intake Fan