With just one touch, the AWAY preset will instantly change your desired
temperature to a set point that will save you money. This is a convenient feature
when you’re leaving home unexpectedly or intend to be away from home for an
extended period of time. The unit has been shipped with “Away” settings based
on Energy Star recommendations of 85° in the summer and 62° in the winter, but
those temperatures can easily be changed with
the touch of one key.
2.3 Set One-touch Away Preset
To change the default setting, press and hold
the AWAY key for three seconds, adjust settings,
then press SAVE.
Away Preset
Cancel Save
85 62
In the upper right corner of the unit, an envelope icon will be illuminated when
an unread message is in your INBOX.
2.4 Get Messages
• Messages may be sent from your utility or software service provider.
As an example, the utility may send an alert that “Crews will be working in
your neighborhood and you may experience an intermittent outage between
2:00 pm and 4:00 pm.”
Messages may also be generated by the thermostat itself. “It’s time to
replace the air filter.”
Press INBOX key in the lower left
corner of the thermostat display.
From the MESSAGE INBOX menu,
use the arrows to select a
message, then press .
Message Inbox
• Cost Alert
• 9:30 am 4/28/11
2:37 pm 4/23/11
5:11 pm 4/18/11
To view a message:
• Air Filter