This feature is intended to help protect the compressor from short
cycling. Some newer compressors already have a time delay built in
and do not require this feature. Your compressor manufacturer can
verify if the lockout feature is already present in their system.
Options for this menu item include:
OFF: (Default) No compressor wait time; assumes lockout feature is
already present.
ON: Waits five minutes before turning on the compressor after a power loss or
during cooling/heating cycles. Protects the compressor from short cycling.
4B. Compressor Lockout
Installation > Advanced HVAC Options > Compressor Lockout
The thermostat is compatible with air conditioners and heat pumps
that feature Copeland Comfort Alert™ protocol. When the thermostat is
connected to comfort alert enabled equipment and active protection
is selected, the thermostat will turn off the compressor if a condition
exists that may potentially damage the system.
If the thermostat is connected to Comfort Alert™ enabled HVAC
equipment, it is recommended that you turn on the Comfort Alert
feature in the thermostat. When the feature is turned on and a
condition exists that may potentially damage your air conditioner or
heat pump, the thermostat will automatically shut off the compressor
and display “Call For Service” on the home screen. When you see this
message, it is recommended that you call a qualified contractor to
schedule a repair appointment.
4C. Comfort Alert Active Protection
Installation > Advanced HVAC Options > Comfort Alert