
34 SM-EtherCAT User Guide
www.controltechniques.com Issue Number: 2
7.3.3 0x605B Shutdown_option_code
This object is used to control what action is performed if there is a transition from the
Operation Enabled state to the Ready To Switch On state.
7.3.4 0x605C Disable_operation_option_code
Disable drive function (switch-off the drive power stage).
This object is used to control what action is performed if there is a transition from the
‘Operation Enabled’ state to the ‘Switched On’ state.
7.3.5 0x605E Fault_reaction_option_code
This object is used to control what action is performed when a fault is detected. This
object is ignored if the drive is tripped.
Table 7.11 Shutdown_option_code
0x605B Shutdown_option_code
Access: RW Range: 0 to 1 Size: Unsigned 16 Unit: N/A
Default: N/A
Description: Used to control what action is performed if there is a transition from the Operation Enabled
state to the Ready To Switch On state.
Table 7.12 Shutdown_option_code values
Value Definition
0 Disable drive function (switch-off the drive power stage)
1 Slow down with slow down ramp; disable the drive function
Table 7.13 Disabled_operation_option_code
0x605C Disable_operation_option_code
Access: RW Range: 0 to 1 Size: Unsigned 16 Unit: N/A
Default: N/A
Description: This object is used to control what action is performed if there is a transition from the
Operation Enabled state to the Switched On state.
Table 7.14 Disable_operation_option_code values
Value Definition
0 Disable drive function (switch-off the drive power stage)
1 Slow down with slow down ramp; disable the drive function
Table 7.15 Fault_reaction_option_code
0x605E Fault_reaction_option_code
Access: RW Range: 0 to 2 Size: Unsigned 16 Unit: N/A
Default: N/A
Description: This object is used to control what action is performed when a fault is detected.
Table 7.16 Fault_reaction_option_code values
Value Definition
0 Disable drive function, motor is free to rotate
1 Slow down on slow down ramp
2 Slow down on quick stop ramp