sing the eGlide Reader | 25
b. Compose: Write a new email message to be sent
. Accounts: View a list of email accounts stored on the device
d. Account Settings: Display and edit account setting information
Accessing eBooks
Understanding Adobe DRM:
Digital Rights Management (DRM) eBook is a copy-protected eBook. There is no
simple way to check if your eBook has DRM or not. But most of the time, if you paid for
the book, it’s most likely a DRM file. If the book was free, it is probably not a DRM file.
Transferring DRM eBooks with Adobe Digital Editions:
1 Download the free Adobe Digital Editions eBook reader software to your
computer from http://www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions
2 Download an eBook to your computer and open it with Adobe Digital Editions to
view eBooks in the PDF and ePUB formats.
3 Connect the device to your computer via the USB cable.
4 Open Adobe Digital Editions software.
5 Tap All Items.
6 Select the files or eBooks to transfer from the computer to the device.
7 Drag the desired files to the device, identified as EBW404.
8 After the transfer of files is complete, click Safely Remove Hardware on the
computer’s taskbar.
9 Select Removable Disk.
10 Disconnect the USB cable from the computer when
the message “It’s safe to remove the device” is
Registering for an Adobe ID:
1 Confirm Wi-Fi is available as indicated by
2 Swipe the row icons until reaching “ADE” or “Adobe
Digital Editions” icon .
3 Tap the icon to open the “Authorize Device” window.
4 Tap the link in blue to navigate to the Adobe
membership website: