ELK-M1XEP Installation Manual
Page 12
Updating the M1XEP Firmware
1. Obtain the latest M1XEP firmware version by downloading it from the M1 Dealer Site (www.elkproducts.com).
Save the file in the location where updates are stored. If you do not know where the file should be saved, you
can find out by choosing Options from the setup menu in ElkRP. You will find the “location of updates for the
controls and peripherals” on the file screen.
2. Start ElkRP and open the account belonging to that particular Control. Click the Connection menu and
establish a connection using the "Network" method.
3. Click on 'Update/Verify Firmware' from the Send/Rcv menu.
4. On the "Update/Verify" screen, choose 'Update to New Firmware' and select 'Ethernet Expansion Module'.
Then click 'Continue'.
5. The "Update Firmware" screen displays the current firmware, hardware, and boot version, and a pull down
window for selecting the firmware to use for updating. Always select the latest firmware version.
6. Check the "Update" box under the action column, and then click the 'Update' button. The update may take
several minutes. Wait for the process to complete. DO NOT INTERRUPT OR POWER DOWN THE UNIT
7. When the screen indicates that the download is complete, wait for the update to finish programming into the
M1XEP. The green light will stop flashing when the programming has started. Programming is complete when
the orange light goes off momentarily, turns back on and the green light begins flashing again. DO NOT
Note: The M1XEP bootloader may also need to be updated periodically. The bootloader update is
done using the steps outlined above. The bootloader update files are downloaded from the M1 Dealer
Site along with a corresponding firmware update. Update the bootloader first and then update the
If you are notified of a new firmware release, you can obtain the file and update the M1XEP using the following steps.
Note: To access and download firmware updates for M1 controls and peripherals, you must a valid log
on for the M1 Dealer Site. If you do not have a log on for the M1 Dealer Site you may obtain one by
signing up for an account at
http://m1dealer.elkproducts.com/. You must include a vaild control serial
number to be approved for a log on.