Elation Professional® www.elationlighting.com - Trio-1248 - Page 27
4.5 LED Mode
Similar in operation as in ML mode, LED mode allows for much of the same operation. Your console
is able to control a max of 12 LED (RGBA) fixtures.
Press the Menu button, the LCD screen shows you:
4.5.1 Fix Patch
An LED fixture can have many attributes, such as Red, Green and Blue control channels.
You must first load your profiles from a USB Flash Drive that contains the files obtained from elation-
The user may patch a fixture according to the following steps:
-Make sure you have inserted the USB Flash Drive with files already loaded onto it.
-Press A to choose “Fix Patch”.
-The console will read the LED files of each manufacturer from the USB device
-Use “More” or “Back” to select the LED you desire
-Press D to choose “Enter” for confirmation of the selection
The LCD will show you the name and auto patched DMX address for the fixture. If you want to mod-
ify the assignment of the DMX address, you can use FX1-FX10 to change the address. The FX10
means 0 and the FX1-FX9 means 1-9 orderly.
To patch a single fixture, press a desired bump button. To patch a range of fixtures, press and hold
down the bump button for the first fixture in the range, then press the last bump button in the range
then release both bump buttons simulaneously. The fixtures will be patched to all locations between
the selected bump buttons with sequential DMX addresses.
Repeat the above steps to patch additional fixtures.
4.5.2 Channel Set Up
The Channel Set Up option allows the user to softpatch the start and end DMX address for Dim
(dimmer channels), LED and Moving Lights fixtures.