record up to 256 steps. You can enter empty steps by pressing “enter” before changing any
channels. These empty steps can be used to lengthen the time between steps or you can record
something into these empty steps later.
As you are recording steps you can at any time move from step to step by using data wheel 1.
You can select and edit each recorded step this way.
When you press “enter” while at the last recorded step of a chase, you will add an additional
step to the end. If you press “enter” while the step number is at a lower step you will advance
to the next step number, the same as when you increment data wheel 1.
If you make a mistake while recording a chase step, press “erase” and you will be prompted
whether or not to erase the contents of the chase step. Press “yes” to clear the step’s contents.
If you press “erase” a second time, you will be prompted whether or not to remove the empty
step from the chase. This will shorten the chase by one step.
At any time while recording the chase you can adjust the step time value, adjust the fade value
or enter a name for the chase. Use the cursor switches to move the cursor on the display under
the item to be changed then use the + or - switch or a data wheel to modify it. To view page
two of the menu, continue to move the cursor to the right, past the speed lock setting and the
screen will change to show the name. To edit the name, move the cursor under each character
then use the + and - switches or the data wheel to select the letters. You can also use an
external keyboard to enter the name.
The fade value is displayed as a percentage and will be the same for every step in the chase.
You cannot set a separate fade time for each step. This will control the amount of fade between
steps. If set to 100% the crossfade time will be equal to the length of the steps giving you a
smooth continuous motion. If the fade time is set to 0% the steps will snap to their settings with
no fade. Any settings between 0% and 100% will give varying amounts of fade time depending
on the speed of the chase.
The speed lock and unlock feature will tell the chase whether or not to ignore the audio or
beat switches while the chase is running. When set to “No Beat” the chase will only run at the
programmed speed and will not be affected by the beat or audio input. This is useful when you
have a chase that must always run at a certain speed to create the desired effect.
After you have finished recording all of the steps for a chase, turn off the fixture or preset
switches if they are on and then save the chase by selecting a page and number. If you select a
chase number that is already lit, you will be prompted to write over the existing chase. Press
“yes” or “no”. After you have saved the chase, the record and chase LEDs will continue to flash,
allowing you to continue to add to or edit the chase in case you would like to save a slightly
different version at another location. To exit record mode, press “record” and the LEDs will stop
A color chase steps through the color presets of a light fixture. It uses fixture profiles to find the
correct channels and values to use. For a color chase to work you must use fixture profiles to
define the fixtures used in the chase. The fixture LED will be lit when you first start to record a
color chase. Select the fixtures to be included in the chase. Use wheel 1 to adjust the step time.
Use wheels 2 and 3 to adjust the start and end points of the chase. The start point will select
the color in the color list for the first step, the end point will be the last color used in the chase.
Often times the first color in a profile is open or white while the last color is one of the spin
settings. This allows you to pick a valid range of colors to use in the chase. Run the chase