Determine Operation Area
- Provide all operators of this equipment with the operator's manual and
instructions for safe operation.
- Review the area to be trimmed. Look for hazards that could
contribute to unsafe conditions.
- Spectators and fellow workers must be warned, and children and
animals prevented from coming nearer than 15M (50 ft.) while
the trimmer is in use.
Use Proper Clothing & Equipment
- Before starting the unit, equip yourself and any other personworking
within the 15M (50 ft.) Safety Zone with the required Protective
Equipment and clothing.
Avoid Hot Surfaces
- During operation, the complete unit, especially the drive shaft
housing and the bearing housing may become very hot, too hot to
touch. Avoid contact during and immediately after operation.
Keep A Firm Grip
- Hold the front and rear handles with both hands with thumbs and
fingers encircling the handles.
Keep A Solid Stance
- Maintain footing and balance at all times. Do not stand on slippery,
uneven or unstable surfaces. Do not work in odd positions or on
ladders. Do not over reach.
(50 ft.)