ANSI Z87.1 - The established standard for eye protection devices,
set forth by the American National Standards Institutes (ANSI).
BARRIER - A device, such as a bar handle, U-handle or harness,
which restrains the unit’s cutting attachment from moving rearward
and making inadvertent contact with the operator’s legs.
BLADE RETAINER - A mechanism which holds the brushcutter
blade to the driving member.
BLADE THRUST - Another name for Kickout.
BOUNCE - The ricochet of a flying object from any surface,
particularly from the ground, rocks or buildings.
BRUSH BLADE - A multi-tooth circular saw blade for sawing heavy
brush with SRM models only.
CUTTING CIRCLE - The blade perimeter or the circle formed by a
cutting line.
CUTTING HEAD - The assembly that includes the flexible cutting
line or a blade. Flexible cutting line heads include:
• BUMP-ADVANCE HEAD - Extends the line through a
bumping mechanism.
through speed changes.
• MANUAL HEAD - A flexible line suspension mechanism
requiring manual adjustments of the line length.
DANGER ZONE - A 15-meter (or approximately 50-foot) radius surround-
ing the operator of the unit. No one else but the operator should be in the
Danger Zone while the unit is being used. (See Risk Zone.)
DEBRIS SHIELD - The shield just behind the cutting head. Also
called a cutting attachment shield.
DEFLECTION - A glance, or bounce, or change of path of a thrown
object off a hard surface.
EDGING - Trimming the grass along an edge such as a sidewalk.
FACE MASK - A mask to shield face from flying objects. Face masks
alone do not provide adequate protection. Eye protection goggles
meeting ANSI Standard Z87.1 must be worn underneath. (See
FACE SHIELD - A device worn in front of the eyes and a portion
of, or all of, the face to supplement protection afforded by a primary
protective device. Face shields alone do not provide adequate
protection. (See “GOGGLES.”)
GOGGLES - A device covering eyes and sockets, flush against the
face, having impact-resistant lenses. Such goggles must meet the
ANSI Z87.1 Standard (“Z87” is stamped on the goggles).
GT - Grass Trimmer
GRASS TRIMMER - A grass and weed-cutting unit with a nylon
line cutting head. Not to be used with a metal blade.
HARNESS - The adjustable strapping by which the unit is suspended
from the operator. A SHOULDER/WAIST HARNESS must be worn
by the operator when the unit is equipped with a blade for cutting. A
SHOULDER HARNESS when blade-cutting with a bar handle or U-
handle is acceptable. Also, it is advisable to wear a harness when
using a flexible line trimmer to help reduce fatigue.
HEARING PROTECTION - Ear muff or plug-type devices worn to
reduce exposure to harmful noise while permitting an operator to
hear certain sounds.
HIT - When a thrown object hits someone or something and is
capable of injury or penetration.
IMPACT SPEED - The speed of a striking object.
IMPACT ENERGY - The energy from a thrown object that is
transferred to another object or person during impact.
• BAR HANDLE - A straight metal handle, standard on some
SRM units.
• D-HANDLE - A looped handle.
• U-HANDLE - Has the configuration of a U-shaped bicycle
handle bar which reduces the working effort compared to a
KICK OUT - When the unit dangerously propels itself out of a cut
due to blade binding. The direction is opposite the blade rotation
at point of contact. (See page 22.) Also called Blade Thrust.
MAXI-CUT WEED CUTTER - A 3-blade flail-type device which can
be used in place of the nylon line head.
PUSH & PULL - Forces exerted by the blade. If the blade pulls, the
unit will pull away from the operator. If the blade pushes, the unit
pushes back towards the operator. (See page 22.)
QUICK-RELEASE MECHANISM - A mechanism controlled by the
operator to quickly release the unit from the harness in case of
RICOCHET - A thrown object which glances off a surface and takes
a new path.
RISK ZONE - The area beyond the 15-meter (or approximately 50-
foot) radius surrounding the operator of the unit. Bystanders in the
Risk Zone should wear eye protection against thrown objects. Risk
diminishes with distance from the operator. (See Danger Zone).
SRM - Shoulder Rotary Mower
SHOULDER ROTARY MOWER - A flexible-line grass and weed-
cutting unit which can be converted for use with a blade.
SCALPING - The very close cutting of vegetation from the earth.
A trimmer is used to clear growth around trees or shrubs, or from
SCYTHING - An arcing motion to cut weeds by swinging the tool
head from side to side.