For more information visit: www.Eaton.com IB01602011E
Instructional Booklet
Page 32 Effective: March 2007
Fixed and Drawout Magnum Transfer Switches
9.3 Cover Removal and Replacement
Many of the maintenance procedures outlined in Table 6 require
the removal and replacement of side and rear covers. For all
NEMA 1 and NEMA 3R enclosed transfer switches, see
Section 9.3.1 for cover removal and replacement instructions.
9.3.1 Cover Removal and Replacement
A 3/8
″ wrench or socket and ratchet is required to perform this
Cover Removal
Step 1: Locate the bolts used to secure the cover to the frame
and remove them with the 3/8
″ wrench. Remove the top
screws last while holding the cover in place (Figure 39).
Step 2: Allow the top of the cover to slowly tilt away from the
enclosure frame (Figure 40).
Step 3: Move your hands around to the sides and lift the cover
free (Figure 41).
Figure 39. Removing the Bolts.
Figure 40.Tilting the Cover Away from the Frame.
Figure 41. Lifting the Cover Free.