1 This vacuum cleaner is…
My first vacuum cleaner
A replacement vacuum cleaner
An additional vacuum cleaner
2 Which brand of cleaner are you replacing or adding to?
Dyson Electrolux
Hoover LG
Miele Panasonic
Samsung Nilfisk
Vax Kambrook
Volta Wertheim
Other, please specify
3 Why did you choose to buy a Dyson vacuum cleaner?
(Please rank in order, 1-5. 1 being the most important).
Dyson reputation
Good for pet hair pick-up
Performs consistently well
No loss of suction
Previous experience of Dyson
Good for people suffering from asthma and allergies
HEPA filtration
Hygienic and germ free cleaning
Price/special offer
Wanted a bagless cleaner
Compact and easy to store
Store staff recommendation
Picks up more dust than others
Latest model/technology
Friend/family recommendation
4 Where did you first hear about the Dyson model you bought?
From friends and family
Saw it on the internet
From TV/a magazine advert
Saw it in a store catalogue
Saw it in a store
Recommended by salesperson
5 Do you own a Dyson handheld?
Yes No
6 What is your average household income?
Less than $45,000
Between $45,000 – $74,000
Between $75,000 – $100,000
Over $100,000
7 Do you have any household pets?
Dog Cat
No Other
8 Does anyone in your household suffer from any of the following?
Asthma Allergies
9 To which age group do you belong?
16 – 24 25 – 34
35 – 44 45 – 54
55 – 64 65+
10 Would you recommend a Dyson vacuum cleaner to your family
and friends?
Yes No
11 Do you have children?
Pre-school Aged 5-17 years
Aged +17 years Children no longer at home
Pregnant No children
12 Which best describes your house?
(Tick one from each column).
Own house Up to 2 beds
Rented house 3-4 beds
Own apartment/villa More than 4 beds
Rented apartment/villa
Live with parents
Share accommodation
Please take a few moments to answer our questions.
They will help us develop new products for the future.