Thank you for purchasing this advanced digital camera. Please read this manual
carefully and keep in a safe place for future reference.
About this Manual
Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this manual are correct and
up to date. However, the company cannot guarantee the accuracy of its content.
Should the contents of the manual be not completely consistent with the camera,
please take the camera to be accurate. The company reserves the rights to alter the
contents and technical specifications without prior notice. The manufacturer also
reserves the rights to alter technical specifications without prior notice.
Should there be any discrepancies between the accessories and the ones that come
with the packaging, please take the packaged contents to be accurate.
Disclaimer: All images taken from digital cameras, unless agreed to by the copyright
holder, or otherwise, are considered having violated the copyright laws. In addition,
image taking of any outdoor performances, spontaneous performances, and exhibits
etc. such as places where photography is prohibited, even if it is for personal viewing,
is not allowed. Moreover, images and the transmission of memory cards with
recorded materials that relates to copyrights issues, shall be confined within the limits
governed by the copyright laws and cannot be compromised.
© Copyright 2005。
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted,
transcribed, stored in any retrieval systems, translated into other languages or
computer languages, in any way or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic,
optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the
copyright holder.