3 Models to meet your
Lambda 131 HS-Turret
The Lambda 131 is the top of the line ver-
sion featuring a 5-position paper turret for
the unexposed media (paper, backlit, clear
film, flex media) or different media widths
or surfaces from 50.8 cm (20 in.) up to
127 cm (50 in.).
This allows very fast access to the required
media without the need to physically load
and unload it. You can handle mixed orders
or calibrate a new emulsion without slo-
wing down or interrupting production. The
requested media is menu-selected from
the computer (Autoload-Function) and
the turret will automatically move into the
right position and start with the exposure
with almost no media waste.
Lambda 131 HS
The Durst Lambda 131 Large Format Digital
Laser Imager offers exactly the same fea-
tures as above with the only difference of
a single position instead of the 5-position
paper turret. It is fully upgradeable to a
Durst Lambda with 5-position paper turret.
Lambda RS
Version for Direct Digital Remote Sensing
All Durst Lambda versions can be factory-
adjusted to meet the exacting standards of
the Geomatics community.
The Durst Lambda RS Imaging Technology
for Remote Sensing, Aerial Photography
and Cartography offers the highest sizing
and geometric precision of plus or minus
0.03 %, corresponding to plus or minus
0.4 mm (millimeter) over a writing area of
127 x 127 cm (50 x 50 in.).
The unique and patented Durst Lambda
continuous roll to roll single beam, 3-laser
(RGB) exposure system offers total size
flexibility and achieves an image qua-
lity which is superior to all large for-
mat printers - photographic, inkjet and
electrostatic. The Durst Lambda exposes
digital information (raster pixel) directly
to conventional photographic media at
full continuous tone with a linear writing
speed of up to 65 cm (26 in.) per minute
with the choice of two resolutions of 200
and 400 ppi (equal to an apparent reso-
lution of 4000 dpi). The Lambda produces
images with the highest possible resolution
(68 billion colors) and with a radiometric
repeatability of 0.025 D per color.
Automatic paper take-
up device.
Roll paper in the
widths from
50.8 cm (20 in.) to
127 cm (50 in.). Print
sizes exeeding the
max. paperwidth are
automatically devi-
ded-up and exposed
in strips