engine or wiper as a signal and will open, because the squelch cannot distinguish
between a wanted signal and an unwanted interference.
If You would have preset the ASC at switched-off engine before, the interference
coming from the wiper motor would be detected and the ASC circuit would shift the
threshold point so long automatically, until the interference will disappear.
The radio will remain muted, but stay on the highest sensitivity level during the whole
procedure studied in this example.
That means: in most cases You only need to adjust the ASC knob to Your needs
only once before starting. The setting will be maintained during travelling. The
switching point is no sudden on-off point like the squelch, but a more smooth gliding
effect between on and off. The best point is, where the background noise is just
becoming so weak, that it does no more disturb You. A small background noise may
Please do not turn the ASC knob too much into full
clockwise direction. If You intend to suppress weaker
signals which You do not like to hear, use the inner Squelch
knob for this purpose and not the ASC knob. A symptom for
too much closed ASC potentiometer is when weak speech still
comes through, but louder speech no more.
AM / FM mode switch
In the two programming modes 40/40 and 80/40, FM modulation is available on all
channels, but AM only on the 40 international CB channels. On these 40 channels
you can switch between AM and FM using the function button F. The display shows
either AM or FM accordingly.
When you switch on the set the first time it operates on FM.
Please note that in 80/40 mode, 41-80 it is not possible to operate on AM. If your
radio is set to AM and you choose an FM channel, the radio will automatically switch
from AM to FM. This is indicated by the FM symbol on the display starting to blink. If
you switch back to a channel permissible on AM, the radio will switch back to AM.
Special interest channels
There are a few channels which have established themselves for certain purposes:
Channel 1 Call channel on FM
Channel 9 Call and emergency channel, also Trucker channel
on AM in Germany
Channel 16 Water sport channel
Channel 19 Trucker channel on AM in France, Spain and Italy
Channel 24/25 Data transfer (Packet Radio, Germany only)
Channel 40 Calling channel in Switzerland
Some recommendations are being worked out by the CB clubs for the new channels
41 to 80 in Germany. To find out which channels are suitable for special purposes,
please get in touch with the respective groups or check in CB magazines.