3) Have at least 800 lumens of light output.
9. How to operate when the serial ports are occupied.
Both table top and notebook PCs allow the addition of a new serial port. There are 2 options;
Install a serial port card on the PC (note: generally, PCMCIA serial port card for a
notebook PC)
Using "USB2.0 to RS232C+ special designed cable ” to connect whiteboard and the PC.
10. Can 25-pin serial port replace 9-pin serial port?
Yes, but only if you have installed an adapter for 25 to 9 pins on the PC.
11. When having used an un-erasable (permanent) color pen to write on the whiteboard
Never use permanent color pens on the board! Once you have done it, clean it lightly using
absorbent cotton dipped with alcohol. Try writing over the permanent pen markings with a dry
erase marker. Then wipe the markings. The dry erase marker generally causes the permanent
ink to come loose.
12. How to clean the surface of the whiteboard?
Clean the surface lightly using a piece of damp cloth.
Attention: Please be sure to wring out the damp cloth, there must not be loose water on the
board. You must prevent water from entering the frame edges.