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iQ Series, Ultrasonic Hand Held Systems User’s Manual
Dukane Manual Part No. 403-577-01
Attaching The Horn to
a Booster, Booster to a
Probe, or Horn to a Probe
1. Inspect all surfaces to be joined for stress cracks,
chips, or gouges. Any of these irregularities will affect
operation and could lead to further equipment damage.
Contact the Dukane Ultrasonic Tooling Department
concerning a damaged booster.
2. Ensure that the mating surfaces of the two components
are clean and smooth. These surfaces must make inti-
mate contact for the mechanical energy to pass from
one component to the next. Pitting or a buildup of old
grease and dirt on a mating surface will interfere with
the energy transfer and reduce the power delivered.
3. Make sure that the stud in the horn or booster is tight.
See the preceding mounting stud assembly instructions
for torque specications.
4. Remove any foreign matter from the threaded stud and
mating hole.
5. Apply an extremely thin layer of a high temperature,
high pressure silicon grease to the surface that mates
with the horn. The grease will allow both surfaces to
intimately mate and become acoustically transparent
which improves the energy transfer. We recommend
Dow–Corning #4 (or #111 as an alternate). A small
packet of Dow–Corning #4 is supplied with the system.
If you cannot use a silicon–based grease in your facility,
a petroleum–based grease may be used. However, it is
likely to leave carbonaceous deposits on the surface,
and require more frequent joint maintenance. Grease
may be omitted if mylar washers are preferred on sys-
tems that require frequent changes. Mylar is plastic and
will creep under compression, so mylar is not recom-
mended for system that are not changed frequently.
Failure to follow these instructions, may result in the
mating surfaces bonding and difculty removing the
horn from the booster or the booster from the probe.
Figure 6–5 Stack Assembly Procedure
Never leave a horn or booster
assembly hand tight. Torque
it to the proper specications
before proceeding. If the as-
sembly is installed without
being properly torqued down,
the assembly may vibrate
severely, damaging the mat-
ing surfaces and causing
the generator to overload.
Always remove a probe stack from the
machine in which it is mounted before
attaching or removing a horn.