Dukane Manual Part No. 403–566–01
Section 12 – Troubleshooting
Generator FAULTs
If the generator OVERLOAD light comes on, it in-
dicates excessive power is being drawn. This could
be caused by a mismatch between the ultrasonic
signal and the resonant characteristics of the acous-
tic stack. Improperly assembled probes may draw
excessive power if their components were not
properly torqued to specifications. Make sure you
have the correct probe and horn. A 40kHz probe
and a 20kHz DPC may result in an instantaneous
overload. The same is true for the reverse combi-
nation. Excessive power drawn by the load may
result in damage to the probe and horn.
If the OVERTEMP indicator comes on, it indicates
that one of the generator’s power modules has over-
heated. This may occur due to a cooling fan fail-
ure or excessive dust inside the cooling channel.
The module’s temperature sensor will automati-
cally shut down the generator. The generator will
automatically reset and turn off the OVERTEMP
indicator when the module temperature drops be-
low the 75°C (167°F) trip point.
If the generator FAULT light comes on, it indicates
an out–of–tolerance voltage condition. This could
be related to one of two conditions.
1. AC line voltage out of tolerance. Refer to Table
15—I for the AC voltage specifications.
2. Internal DC power supply problems (+5VDC,
+12VDC, –12VDC or +24VDC).
If the AC line voltage is within tolerance, then
the DPC has an internal fault. Contact your
local Dukane representative.
tors are triggered by independent sensors. It is
possible to get more than one error indicator.
The ultrasonic output is disabled on any one of
the errors.