• NEVERusethelanternwhenthebulbgetsdim.ortheBatteryPowerIndicatorlightis
• The lantern witl last up to 4 hours on one charge.
• ALWAYS recharge lanternafter every use.
• Ifthe lantern has been stored for 4 to 6 months without charging, charge ftforat
least 8 hours,
• Replacement batteries and bulbs are available from Dorcy at 1-614N97-5830.See
Replacement Parts section of this manuat,
1.Your lantern has a 2-position on/off switch.
A.To turn lantern ON push once.
B,To turn lantern OFF push again.
2.Yourlantern also has an LEDBattery PowerIndicator Light which shows the
power status of the battery:
GREEN- indicates 100%to 50% run time remaining,
YELLOW- indicates 50% to 20% run time remaining,
RED - indicates 20%or less runtime remaining,
3. Your lantern has a spare bulb holder located inside the lantern behind the bulb reflector,
NOTE:We do not recommend that you operatethe fantern ifthe LED turns red.
When the lightturns red, it means thatthe lantern should be recharged.
1.Turnthe lantern OFE
2. Insert charger cord into the charging receptacle on lantern.
3. Plug charger into standard household 120-v.,60 Hz AC only outlet.
NOTE: ALWAYScharge tantern indoors, DO NOT charge lantern Jfit iswet or moist,
allow it to dry completely beforecharging,
4. Charge tantem for 16hours.
5, After charging is completed, unplug the charger cord from the outtet first, then unplug
the charger from the lantern,
IMPORTANT: DO NOT use lantern whi_eit ischargfng. ALWAYS wait until it is fully
charged before turning it on.
1. DO NOT exceed 36 hours of continuous charging time. Toensure fullbattery life, do not
chargethe lantern indefinitely.
2. ALWAYSrecharge lantern after every use.
3. ALWAYSmake sure lantern isfutly charged beforestoring itfor an extended periodof
time. Recharge 8 hours after 4 to 6 months in storage,
4. DO NOT Ieavethe lanternin the ON position when the battery is discharged, This could
permanently damage the unit. A dim bulb or the red LED Battery Indicator Light means
the battery needs recharging,