6D-Link DSP-W215 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Wireless Installation Considerations
The Smart Plug lets you access your network using a wireless connection from anywhere within the operating range of your
wireless network. Keep in mind the number and thickness of walls and ceilings, as well as the location of other objects that the
wireless signals must pass through, may limit the range. Typical ranges vary depending on the types of materials and background
RF (radio frequency) noise in your home or business. The key to maximizing wireless range is to follow these basic guidelines:
1. Keep the number of walls and ceilings between the Smart Plug and other network devices to a minimum. Each
wall or ceiling can reduce your adapter’s range by 3-90 feet (1-30 meters). Position your devices so that the
number of walls or ceilings is minimized.
2. Strive for a direct line between network devices. A wall that is 1.5 feet thick, at a 45-degree angle, will appear
to be almost three feet thick. At a two-degree angle it appears to be over 42 feet thick! Position your devices
so that the signal will travel straight through a wall or ceiling, instead of at an angle, for the best reception.
3. Be aware of the type of building materials between your devices. A solid metal door or aluminum studs may
have a negative eect on range. Try to position the Smart Plug and computers so that the signal passes through
drywall or open doorways. Materials and objects such as glass, steel, metal, walls with insulation, water (sh
tanks), mirrors, le cabinets, brick, and concrete will degrade your wireless signal.
4. Keep your product away (at least three to six feet) from electrical devices or appliances that generate RF noise.
5. If you are using 2.4 GHz cordless phones or wireless products such as ceiling fans, lights, and home security
systems, your wireless connection may degrade dramatically or drop completely. Make sure your 2.4 GHz phone
base is as far away from your wireless devices as possible. The base transmits a signal even when the phone is
not in use.