
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config stp ports
Purpose Used to setup STP on the port level.
config stp ports <portlist> {externalCost [auto | <value 1-200000000>] |
hellotime <value 1-2> | migrate [yes | no] | edge [true | false | auto] |
restricted_tcn [true | false] | restricted_role [true | false] | p2p [true | false |
auto] | state [enable | disable] | fbpdu [enable |disable | hw_filter] |
Description This command is used to create and configure STP for a group of ports.
<portlist> Specifies a range of ports to be configured.
externalCost This defines a metric that indicates the relative cost of forwarding
packets to the specified port list. Port cost can be set automatically or as a metric
value. The default value is auto.
auto – Setting this parameter for the external cost will automatically set the speed
for forwarding packets to the specified port(s) in the list for optimal efficiency.
Default port cost: 100Mbps port = 200000. Gigabit port = 20000.
<value 1-200000000> - Define a value between 1 and 200000000 to determine
the external cost. The lower the number, the greater the probability the port
will be chosen to forward packets.
hellotime <value 1-2> The time interval between transmission of configuration
messages by the designated port, to other devices on the bridged LAN, thus
stating that the Switch is still functioning. The user may choose a time between 1
and 2 seconds. The default is 2 seconds.
migrate [yes | no] – Setting this parameter as “yes” will set the ports to send out
BDPU packets to other bridges, requesting information on their STP setting If the
Switch is configured for RSTP, the port will be capable to migrate from 802.1d STP
to 802.1w RSTP. If the Switch is configured for MSTP, the port is capable of
migrating from 802.1d STP to 802.1s MSTP. RSTP and MSTP can coexist with
standard STP, however the benefits of RSTP and MSTP are not realized on a port
where an 802.1d network connects to an 802.1w or 802.1s enabled network.
Migration should be set as yes on ports connected to network stations or segments
that are capable of being upgraded to 802.1w RSTP or 802.1s MSTP on all or
some portion of the segment.
edge [true | false | auto] true designates the port as an edge port. Edge ports
cannot create loops, however an edge port can lose edge port status if a topology
change creates a potential for a loop. An edge port normally should not receive
BPDU packets. If a BPDU packet is received it automatically loses edge port
status. false indicates that the port does not have edge port status.
restricted_role [true | false] – If true causes the Port not to be selected as Root Port
for the CIST or any MSTI, even it has the best spanning tree priority vector. Such a
Port will be selected as an Alternate Port after the Root Port has been selected.
This parameter should be false by default. If set, it can cause lack of spanning tree
connectivity. It is set by a network administrator to prevent bridges external to a
core region of the network influencing the spanning tree active topology, possibly
because those bridges are not under the full control of the administrator.
restricted_tcn [true | false] – If true causes the Port not to propagate received
topology change notifications and topology changes to other Ports. This parameter
should be false by default. If set it can cause temporary loss of connectivity after
changes in a spanning trees active topology as a result of persistent incorrectly
learned station location information. It is set by a network administrator to prevent
bridges external to a core region of the network, causing address flushing in that
region, possibly because those bridges are not under the full control of the
administrator or MAC_Operational for the attached LANs transitions frequently.
p2p [true | false | auto] true indicates a point-to-point (P2P) shared link. P2P
ports are similar to edge ports however they are restricted in that a P2P port must
operate in full-duplex. Like edge ports, P2P ports transition to a forwarding state
rapidly thus benefiting from RSTP. A p2p value of false indicates that the port
cannot have p2p status. Auto allows the port to have p2p status whenever possible
and operate as if the p2p status were true. If the port cannot maintain this status