DIRECTV Set-top box information for the installer
DIRECTV Proprietary November 17, 2005
Version 1.1.a Page 37 of 49 DTV-MD-0058
Table 13 Setup Codes for Satellite Receivers (S)
Crossdigital 01109
DIRECTV 00001, 00002, 00003, 00004, 00392, 00566,
00639,01639, 01142, 00247, 00749, 01749,
00724,00819, 01856, 01076, 01109, 00099,
01414,01640, 01108, 01392, 01442, 01609
GE 00566
General Instrument 00869
Hitachi 00819
Hughes Network Systems 01142, 00749, 01749, 01442
LG 01414
Magnavox 00724
Memorex 00724
Mitsubishi 00749
Motorola 00869
Next Level 00869
Panasonic 00247, 00701
Paysat 00724
Philips 01142, 00749, 01749, 00724, 01076, 00099, 01442
Proscan 00392, 00566
RadioShack 00869
RCA 00392, 00566, 00855, 00143, 01392
Samsung 01276, 01109, 01108, 01609; 01708
SKY 00856
Sony 00639, 01639, 01640
Star Choice 00869
Tivo 01142, 01442
Toshiba 00749, 01749, 00790, 01285
UltimateTV 01392, 01640
Uniden 00724
Voom 00869
Zenith 00856, 01856
Table 14 Setup Codes for TVs (T)
Admiral 10093, 10463
Advent 10761, 10817, 10815, 10783, 10842
Aiko 10092
Akai 10812, 10702, 10030, 10672
Alaron 10179