v5.3 25523
2005 Directed Electronics, Inc.
you are at the Option setting. You can push the transmitter button again
and it will flash twice to signify you are at the Factory setting. Push the
transmitter button again and you will go back to the Option setting.
C. You can choose to change another feature by starting over again at Step A, in
six seconds, the remote starter automatically exits the programming mode (three
LED light flashes).
D. When finished – switch the Control Switch back ON. The red LED light will
flash once.
1. How to Use a Relay
Many of the optional steps require a relay to be hooked up. The most common relay
used for this type application is the Bosch type relay (Radio Shack Cat.# 275-226).
Use the diagram below for a typical hookup. If you have another relay then you need
to know that pins 85 and 86 in this diagram relate to the coils of the relay. Pin 30 is
the ‘common’, and pin 87 is the ‘normally open’ contact. If your relay has a pin 87A
in the middle it is the normally closed contact and is not used.
2. Code Learning
Your transmitter is factory coded to the remote starter
module with over 16,000,000
different codes. The remote starter module can learn the codes of up to 4 different
transmitters. If you want to add additional transmitters to the receiver or if it does
not respond to your transmitter – follow the steps below to teach the receiver
the transmitter code(s):
A. Turn the Control Switch ON.
B. Push the red "code learn" button on the receiver module. The red LED
light and the dash lights come on for a second. (The vehicle's ignition
and accessory wires come on).
C. While holding the transmitter at least three feet from the module, hold
down the Start button until the red LED light and the dash lights come
on again for a second. The module has now learned the transmitter
code. Release the transmitter button.
D. To learn additional transmitters (up to 3 more), immediately (within 5
seconds) push the Start button on another transmitter for a few seconds
until the red LED light and the dash lights come on for a second again.
E. 5 seconds after the last time the transmitter was learned the unit exits
the code-learning stage. (The red LED light, ignition and accessories
flash 4 times).
Teaching the module a new transmitter code will erase all previous codes – so
all transmitters must be taught. You have only 5 seconds between transmitters to
begin teaching a new transmitter.
3. Diesel Vehicles
For the most relible starting, hook up the RED/BLACK wire referenced in section 19.
For difficult starting diesels connect and learn the tach (section 12) as well as the
wait-to-start RED/BLACK wire (section 20). Set Option #6 (section 24) for diesel.
For most diesel vehicles, you can start the vehicle without needing to hook up a tach
wire. The following table provides the mandatory option settings for “no-tach”
operation in diesel vehicles. (Use the Chrysler settings for all other diesel vehicles.)
23B. Program Features Descriptions
Option #1
No-Tach Tach Mode
This option sets the starting method. The factory setting uses “No-Tach” starting. If
you wish to use the tach to start, follow the instructions in the Tach Rate Learning
(section 12).
Option #2
10 Min. Run Time 15 Min. Run Time
This option gives you a choice of run times.
Option #3
Normal Crank Extended Crank
This option will add 50% more crank time to the NoTach™ starting feature.
Option #4
Normal IGN 2 not active during Crank
This option will turn off the Ignition 2 output (thick GREEN wire) during cranking. It
is used to exactly match the remote starter with the ignition key function.
Option #5
Normal Voltage Metering Ignore Voltage Metering
This option is used in the “No-Tach” starting method for some diesel vehicles or
vehicles with weak batteries and/or poorly performing altenators.
Option #6
Gasoline Vehicles Diesel Vehicles
This option must be activated when installing on a diesel vehicle.
Option #7
“Enable” Feature No “Enable”
This option cancels the “enable” mode safety feature. The “enable”
mode requires that the driver toggle the ON/OFF control switch “OFF”
then “ON” each time the driver removes the key from the ignition in
order to “enable” the vehicle for remote starter control. This feature
guards against undesired starting of the vehicle by remote control. You
must keep this option on all GM rear wheel drive and Dodge Dakota
vehicles manufactured prior to 1996.
Option #8
Normal Daytime Running Lights
This option will automatically turn the headlights on (for safety) about 10 seconds
after it sees the key in the ignition position – and automatically turn the headlights off
when the key is removed from the ignition.
Option #9
Normal Diesel “Wait to Start”
This option will control the time before cranking the diesel vehicle by looking at the
“wait to start” light of the vehicle. Simply hook the RED/BLACK Input wire of section
20 up to the wire behind the “wait to start” light. Also set Option #6 (section 23) for
diesel vehicles.
Option #10
1 sec. Alarm Disarm Pulse 0.45 sec. Alarm Disarm Pulse
This option shortens the Alarm Disarm Pulse from 1 second to 0.45 second. This
feature is very useful with some Dodge/Chrysler vehicles that use a multiplexed system
to disarm the alarm and unlock the doors with the same wire. Using this feature
should eliminate the need to relock the doors after the alarm has been disarmed and
the vehicle is remotely started.
Option #11
Single Input Trigger Double Input Trigger
This option changes the remote input wire (RED/WHITE) from a single start trigger to
a double start trigger (within three seconds).
If you want the factory setting, DO NOTHING and skip this section. If you want to
change one or more of the features, TURN THE ON/OFF CONTROL SWITCH TO THE
“OFF” POSITION. Wait for the red LED light to stop flashing, then continue
with the following procedures:
A. For options 1-11: Push the white code button on the remote start module.
Each time you push the button the red LED light will flash 1 to 11 times signifying
at which feature you are (press it once, the LED light flashes once. Press it
again and it will flash two times. Press it again and it will flash three times,
etc., to show what feature you are at).
B. When you are at the feature level you desire, push the start button on the
transmitter for one second and the red LED light will flash once to signify
To Vehicle's Accessory
+12 V
To Ground
To Vehicle's Accessory
+12 V
+12 V
To supply Ground (-) outputTo supply +12 volt output