© 2003 directed electronics, inc.
sseeccuurriittyy && ccoonnvveenniieennccee eexxppaannssiioonnss
Listed below are some of the many expansion options available
for use with your system. Some options may require additional
parts and/or labor. Please consult with your dealer for a complete
list of options available for use with this system.
AAuuddiioo SSeennssoorr::
Metal on glass, glass cracking, and breaking glass
produce distinctive acoustic signatures. The 506T audio sensor
uses a microphone to detect these sounds, and then analyzes
them with proprietary acoustic software to determine if the glass
has been tampered with or broken.
BBaacckkuupp BBaatttteerryy::
The 520T Backup Battery ensures that the
system stays armed, triggers the alarm and keeps the optional
starter kill active if main battery power is disconnected.
FFiieelldd DDiissttuurrbbaannccee SSeennssoorr::
An invisible dome of coverage is
established by the 508D "radar" sensor. Your security system will
respond to any intrusions into this field by initiating the trig-
gered sequence.
PPoowweerr TTrruunnkk RReelleeaassee::
The output of the system can operate
a factory power release for the vehicle's trunk or hatch. An
optional relay is required. If the factory release is not power-acti-
vated, then Directed Electronics' 522T trunk release solenoid
can be added in most cases.