© 2003 directed electronics, inc.
In this case, find the driver’s door unlock motor wire. In most vehicle’s this wire can be
found in the driver’s kick panel.
H2/5 GRAY trunk release/sensor shunt input: This input is used to bypass the sen-
sor inputs when the trunk is opened using the factory keyless entry system or trunk
release relay. When the system receives a (+) input on this wire, zones 2 and 4 (if set
in the features settings) are bypassed for 3-seconds. If during that 3-seconds, ground
is applied to the H1/6 BLUE wire zones 2 and 4 will remain bypassed until the ground
input is removed. This means that when the trunk is open with the factory transmitter
the only triggers that remain active while the trunk is open are the doors and ignition.
3-seconds after the trunk is closed the bypassed zones again become active.
The following table lists the commonly used lock/unlock motor wire colors.
H2/6 VIOLET/BLACK no function.
H2/7 YELLOW/BLACK light flash monitor input: This input monitors the factory sys-
tem light flash output. Connect this wire to the light flash wire that flashes when the
factory transmitter is used. This may be a status LED, parking lights, reverse lights, etc.,
depending on the vehicle type and manufacturer. This wire can accept a (+) positive
or (-) negative input.
Lock Driver’s Unlock
Ford Pink/Black Red/Orange Pink/Orange
General Motors Gray
Tan or
Chrysler Orange/Black Pink/Black Pink/Black